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Did you ever hear about the amazing way of getting rid of a mole using just apple cider vinegar and a bandage? Well, I did and I’ve been wanting to try an apple cider vinegar mole removal experiment for over a year now. I saw a few posts from people that have tried it and it really worked for them with minimal scarring! I thought it must be too good to be true. But to my surprise, I tried it a few weeks ago and found out it really does work!!
I’ve documented my experience through pictures, in case you want to try it too!
Maybe you’re wondering, like I did, whether your skin might scar or something weird might happen because this way is too good to be true. Well, so far I can say I only have minimal pink on the area and that is almost gone. There are other posts online that show similar results and everyone says that it really worked for them with minimal scarring!
My mole was gone in 4 days!!! There is no pain involved at all and six days from the start of the treatment it came off, just like a scab! I still can’t believe it. When you look at the pictures that were taken each day you can see how it changed day to day so you’ll know what to expect. (see them below)
Why Do an Apple Cider Vinegar Mole Removal?
I love do it yourself natural treatments that you can do in the privacy of your own home! But most of all the fantastic benefits are;
1. It’s completely pain free (at least it was for me),
2. Very inexpensive and
3. Leaves minimal scarring.
I was pleasantly surprised that the apple cider vinegar mole removal didn’t hurt at all! The area didn’t even get sore, which makes you wonder if it’s really working….. ‘till you see it start to form a scab.
I’ve had a mole removed by a dermatologist before and that is definitely a much worse experience…so painful and, for me, it left an indented scar! I’m so glad I gave the apple cider vinegar a try.
How it Works:
You apply the apple cider vinegar (ACV) to the mole and cover it with a bandage, reapplying the ACV daily until the mole forms a scab (within a few days to a week). The scab should fall off without any remnants of the mole. When it falls off, It may be slightly pink (like it was for me),but that should fade away overtime.
(From the pictures you can see that the mole I experimented with it on was a raised mole. I had been wanting to remove it for quite a while.)
What You Need:
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Cotton swabs
- Small bandages
How to Do an Apple Cider Vinegar Mole Removal:
*Note the first day I tried to do this, it was a disaster because I didn’t use the most appropriate cotton and bandage. I originally tried to do it by cutting a cotton ball and using a Band-aid to cover it…but the apple cider vinegar leaked all over. What a mess, lol! I would suggest doing the following instead:
1. Take one of these cotton swabs and pull the cotton off of the end of the swab. It will give you a perfectly sized very mini cotton ball.
2. Take the cotton ball and dip it in apple cider vinegar, I used this kind. Squeeze it out so it is not dripping wet.
3. Put it directly on your mole and cover it with one of these bandages. I would only suggest using these bandages or something similar because they are sticky all the way around, not just on two sides. So they fully lock in the vinegar and don’t let it drip out and irritate other areas of your skin.
4. Leave it on for about 6 to 8 hours, then remove everything, change the cotton swab ball, put new ACV on and put on a new bandage. Now, I only did this during the day and didn’t leave it on when I was sleeping. Some people also leave it on while they’re sleeping.
Keep doing this for about 3 to 5 days or until you see a black scab form. See my pictures below for how my mole changed each day.
Some people have different methods for using apple cider vinegar to remove their mole, such as poking holes in the mole with a needle before applying the vinegar, but I didn’t do that.
Here’s how my mole changed over the days:
Day 1: Pictured at the top of my post. The picture was taken before applying anything to my mole.
Day 2: After one full day of applying the ACV, and leaving it off over night. The mole seemed to turn a little red.
Day 3: The mole seemed to turn white and a little scab like, with red skin around it. It wasn’t quite a scab yet, so I decided to keep going with applying it.
Day 4: It turned black and looked just like a scab. So I decided to stop applying anything and just leave it alone. Hoping the scab would fall off.
Day 6: The scab fell off, and here’s how it looked, slightly pink. But the mole is completely gone!!
Day 14: Here’s how it looked 8 days after the scab fell off. The area is a little pink still, which I hope will fade over time, but my skin is completely flat and smooth where the mole was. There is no indentation at all.
Overall, I’m really happy with the results and would definitely do it again! I’ll add another photo to this post after more time has passed so you can see how it is healing. My apple cider vinegar mole removal was a success! I would definitely suggest using it for removing a mole.
Update: 12/5/2015 – I wanted to share an updated picture of where I did my apple cider vinegar mole removal experiment. The area where the mole was is a tad pink still, hardly noticeable though. The skin area is smooth with no indentation, which I’m really happy about.
Here’s my 6 month mole update picture:
Update: 10/9/2017 – It’s been two years since I did my apple cider vinegar mole removal experiment. I’m still really happy with results! I’m going to try this again for a mole on my face.
What will happen if I stop using apple cider vinegar on my mole? I am having no luck… Will it grow bigger?