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Avoid the Chemicals and Make Your Own Coconut Oil Toothpaste
Did you know that you can make your own coconut oil toothpaste with just a few simple ingredients that you have in your kitchen?
Not only is coconut oil toothpaste effective, with it you can avoid all of the chemicals and toxic ingredients in commercial toothpaste and save money!
I started making my own toothpaste a little over a year ago after discovering a few ingredients in a “natural” toothpaste that I wasn’t comfortable using. This toothpaste is a great alternative and is very easy to make!
Ingredients to Watch Out for In Toothpaste
All commercial toothpaste contain harmful and toxic ingredients, such as; titanium dioxide, FD&C Blue Dye # 1 & 2, sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium fluoride. These ingredients can also be found in toothpaste that is labeled “all natural”, particularly sodium fluoride. These chemicals are not only harmful to your delicate tooth enamel, they also affect your overall health! Glycerin is another ingredient to be cautious of as it can inhibit remineralization of teeth. It is often an ingredient in fluoride-free toothpaste as well.
How Coconut Oil Toothpaste Works
Coconut oil is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal! Studies have shown that coconut oil destroys the bacteria that can cause tooth decay. The other primary ingredient in this toothpaste is baking soda. Baking soda is a very mild abrasive which aids in cleaning and whitening teeth, and restoring pH balance.
Homemade Baking Soda and Coconut Oil Toothpaste Ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
- 2 tablespoons Baking Soda
- 10 drops of Peppermint oil (optional)
*You can make a larger or smaller batch depending on how long you would like it to last and what size container you’re storing it in.
1. Mix baking soda and coconut oil in a small container, until it forms a paste like consistency
2. Add several drops of peppermint oil and mix (*peppermint is optional)
Have you tried a baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste?
I started a process to fill a hole I had in one of my molars ( I´m not sure if that´s the way to say it in English),but I didn´t go back to the dentist after I found out about all the harmfull chemicals they use.
What could I do? There arent holistic dentists in my country, and I have many cavities from years of eating unhealthy food.
I want to tell you that doing the right home cure will fill cavities…but I cannot from my perspective. Cavities are a real problem that seems to require professional dentist attention. Remember your problem started from your actions, eating the wrong foods and or beverages, then neglecting proper oral hygiene. Double whammy against you at your doings. Thankfully dentists exist to repair that type of damage. Teeth can be filled with gold; porcelain; silver amalgam (which consists of mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc, and copper); or tooth-colored, plastic, and glass materials called composite resin fillings. SILVER AMALGAM is to be avoided if at all possible. Other filling materials seem to be otherwise O.K. What can happen if one continues to avoid fillings is that they may encounter root canal abcsess (painful jaw infection and body fever requiring serious and timely surgery). If the condition is beyond repair sadly it may require tooth extraction. This is why it is important to exercise effective oral hygiene at all times. Besides what dentist hygienist teach, it is necessary to wash the entire mouth out, particularly between the teeth with a small pressure washer like a “WaterPik, water flosser”: after as soon as possible after each and every time food or beverages are consumed. Then followed with a thorough brushing, flush and mouthwash. I like colloidal silver for mouthwash myself. That way the mouth is always free of bacteria and the acids that cause tooth decay and periodontal disease.
What a terrible idea! I used to brush my teeth with baking soda every day, but had to stop. Dentists warn against it because it’s abrasive and will wear away enamel, which, unfortunately, you can never get back. I have spots that are worn away, it can be REALLY painful.
I must respectfully disagree with your dentist. Baking soda by itself is one of the most if not the most mild abrasive as compared to commercially marketed toothpastes. Then too the acid killing property of baking soda also enhances the fine qualities for tooth paste. When blended with the superior lubrication, superior anti-pathogen properties of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil even that low abrasive quality of baking soda is diminished to an even greater state of mildness. I am providing one of the several documentaries that show that baking soda is a prime ingredient for the BEST oral hygiene period and the price is incredibly low compared to fluoride laced toxic commercial toothpaste. The things that dentists don’t seem to know or understand is what keeps them in business. You can take that to the bank. I can provide you with safe information that will most likely end all dental repairs save the periodic cleanings and checkups at your dentist. Think of the pain you’ll miss out on both in the dental chair and at the bank. 🙂
Oh yea, I must give you the link to the toothpaste abrasion ratings:
Tooth and gum abrasion can also be caused by toothbrush damage also. Only a soft bristle brush should be selected for brushing teeth. The marketplace is jammed full of medium and hard bristle tooth brushes and that should not be. ALL toothbrushes should be soft bristle brushes. Too, electric toothbrushes utilizing soft bristle brushes are the very best selection because electric/ power toothbrushes are quite harmless to enamel and gums. That is due to the limited motion pattern that they have been designed to produce. The SPINBRUSH manufactured and marketed by Arm and Hammer Corp are very good, perhaps less expensive to use than hand powered toothbrushes. One drawback to the SPINBRUSH is that good battery charge condition is vital to cleaning efficiency. The batteries need to be changed on average once a week. Also actual brush condition is most important and I find the brush head needs to be changed at least once a month or more often because the tips of the bristles get worn and damaged. It is the very tip of the bristles that do the cleaning. When one washes out the entire mouth as with the use of a WaterPik water flosser especially the teeth at the gum line and between teeth before brushing is when things really get good. That biofilm filled with tiny bits of food left behind after brushing is what causes disease and decay.
Laurie and Doug,
I just went to my dentist last April (2013) and told him I had been using baking soda and water for about 2 months. He said to STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. It’s the most horrid thing you can do to your teeth aside from drinking juices, drugs, etc…all day long.
But when I was brushing with baking soda, my teeth were no longer sensitive. He gave me 3 or 4 different sensitive tooth toothpastes (of course all had Fluoride in them) to try. My teeth are very sensitive. As a matter of fact when I drink anything very hot, or very cold, I have to use a straw. Yes, even the hot beverages.
He also sold me some paste to put on my teeth at night when I go to bed?
I go back for my 6 month check up in two weeks. 🙁
Doug says:
October 21, 2013 at 4:58 pm
Does your dentist give misleading advice? Does a dentist have a conflict of interest in giving advice to a patient? I think so, after all if that advice reduces or eliminates future treatments it cuts off or reduces the dentist’s income.
Finances are a powerful force and that force can become like a drug of choice for the dentist or other professional with the client relationship. Surely not all professionals are evil money grubbers, but that is determined by the individual professional, it seems like the majority of them are corrupt. The same principle applies to all professional fields including medicine.
Stop and take a look around and you will find that pharmaceutical medicine has become a common addiction and the older a person is the more separate medicines they are usually enticed to purchase on a scheduled basis. Too, the more medicines a person allows into their body, the more negative side effects that occur, keeping a person more ill, and more strapped by the doctor whose care they are under. I urge everyone to conduct independent research and think outside of the box. The best ways to retain good health or recover from poor health will not be found at the allopathic, burn, poison, and butcher health society. Most do not want to be the sacrificial lamb being led to the alter of financial harvest.
I was really excited to make this, but it taste horrible any suggestions or i need to use better product?. Thanks
It can be hard to get used to at first. But you can add peppermint oil or stevia to help improve the taste.
Hi Lori , I suggest adding clove oil as well , clove oil is antibacterial and well known to cure toothaches . Also you can add himalayan salt as well . Love reading your articles.
That’s a great suggestion!
Hi ! i am wondering how much of the clove oil we should add ? Planning to make one ASAP. Thanks a lot in advance :))
I’ve been using Pro Namel toothpaste from Sensodyne, but I found Sodium Fluoride in one of the ingredients and I was thinking to switch to baking soda & coconut toothpaste, but does this protect sensitive teeth as well?
I have sensitive teeth and it has been pretty gentle and worked well for me. I also do oil pulling with coconut oil.
May I ask what “I also do oil pulling with coconut oil” refer to?
Hi Doug, oil pulling is a technique from Ayurvedic medicine that involves using about a tablespoon of oil (coconut,sesame, etc.) and swishing it in your mouth for 10-20 minutes, then spit it out. It has great benefits for teeth and overall health. This page describes it in more detail:
Thanks for the tip
My 2 year old LOVES this toothpaste. Sad but true fact-he is BETTER about brushing his teeth than his parents and we only brush because we are copying him!
My husband is worried about him swallowing the mixture rather than spitting it out as he still hasn’t figured that out yet, is it too dangerous?
Coconut oil and baking soda are both edible.
I just saw this a few weeks ago and finally decided to try it out. Is it better for the coconut oil to be a solid or a liquid when you start making it? Will there be a difference? And is it alright to put it in a plastic container instead of a glass jar?
You can make it when it is liquid or hardened, but may be be easier to stir when liquid. You can store it in any container, I use glass just to avoid the BPA and Phthalates.
I just tried it this morning and to be honest, I wanted to gag. As I read the above comments, I’ll just have to get used to it. Thank you for answering right away!
I couldn’t handle the taste at first either, but after a few days I quickly got use to it. You can add a little peppermint or stevia to help with the taste.
the studies that are linked to say that ‘digested’ coconut oil staves off the strep bacterial while the raw coconut oil has basically no effect. I really want to use this instead of toothpaste but I feel that is an important point. what are the mystery enzymes added to make the coconut oil go from just good to awesome?
You didn’t mention the studies you refer to. Please post a link.
The definition of all raw food, including coconut oil, is any food that has never been at temperatures above 98 F. according to the Biochemist and raw food health specialist, Aajonus Vonderplanitz. In the processing of coconut oil the temperatures reach well above 98 F and more like 180 F or more. This is true of all coconut oil. Therefore there is no such thing as raw coconut oil no matter what the label says, again according to Vonderplanitz. This is NOT true of olive oil, that is, if an olive oil says it is cold-processed, it is in fact raw by definition.
He stated also at a conference with big corporation participation that all supplements, i.e. those powders that we put in capsules and pills are also effected by high heat. The big corporations threatened to take legal action for his statements. However he was not concerned because he had checked all these major manufacturer conditions before the conference.
I am sure fermented foods are better, if and only if, those microorganisms doing the fermentation are not generically altered (GMO). I do know of Monsanto GMO fermentation of nutrients that result in toxic nutrients. However, these same GMO fermented nutrients have studies to back them up also. Regardless of the studies, these GMO-microorganism derived nutrients via fermentation are toxic. In this day and age of lie and fraud all around us, we must discern.
This does not mean the studies you are going to provide us with are flawed. But, we need to see them first. Thank you in advance for posting the studies.
Hi Sluzen,
Would you be so kind as to provide links to the studies you referenced?
Someone here on this chat was concerned about sticking a germfilled toothbrush into a jar of toothpaste. While a tube of this toothpaste is surely better than a jar, I would like to add this. Bacteria are everywhere, on surfaces and in the air. There are many mechanisms that keep those little critters from making babies in your body. And that multiplication factor is what one should really be the issue. The baking soda makes the toothpaste highly alkaline, discouraging bacteria, both symbiotic and parasitic, from growing colonies in your jar of toothpaste. Oil is sometimes used as a natural preservative. This is a water-free formula, bacteria need water to make baby bacteria. There is no need to become bacteria-phobic. In fact, becoming bacteria-phobic can cause you to fall for ingesting some far greater toxic drugs that Big-Pharma puts out.
I just tried this recipe. While my teeth feel clean, I feel like I scrubbed too much, as this is non-lathering/foaming, and that’s what I’m used to.
I think I will add some peppermint oil, for that fresh feeling.
I just tried it. I used the whip-up-the-coconut-oil in Kitchenaid mixer using whisk attachment method for 15 minutes before adding the baking soda. Resulting in a very good consistency that reportably won’t get hard. I like the taste better than any baking soda toothpaste or any toothpaste I have ever had. I only had orange extract in my cupboard to make it tasty. It seems, although I have not had enough time to evaluate this, that it whitens my teeth. I can trust with confidence the formulations that I know the quality of ingredients of. And it’s good coffee table conversation to boot.
Is peppermint oil needs in that? I want to try that but we don’t have peppermint oil. :/ and I can’t find in our city. What will I do?
I don’t use peppermint oil, it is optional. You can just using baking soda and coconut oil.
I really like extra virgin coconut oil, especially in the place of shortening for frying etc., but when I blend equal parts of baking soda and evco together for toothpaste it cleans my oral issues amazingly well BUT, the awful salty taste is more than I can handle. It even parches my tongue and makes following meals taste too salty. How may I overcome this salty side effect?
Many add stevia or peppermint to help the taste.
Can you use liquid coconut oil from the body shop?
Hmm..I’m not sure if that would have added ingredients. You should be able to find coconut oil at your local health food store (I use unrefined).
You should not use any product that is cosmetic grade. That would be the grade that is statutorily (sp.?) legal (and not lawful) to use on skin. Cosmetic grade has only 70% of the stated product and 30% fillers. Those fillers could be god-knows-what toxic substances. You should only use U.S.P. (pharmaceutical) or food grades. If you can’t eat it, don’t put it in your mouth.
I used some coconut oil from my cooking flavorings that says it is 100% natural. It works for me
If you add stevia to this it will be a lot less bitter, I also add calcium and magnesium and a little Diatomaceous Earth.
I use coconut oil, baking soda and mint e.o. and love it. Sometimes it’s more solid than others. I just keep it in a small canning jar and dish it out with a spoon or the back of my tooth brush. My family is about to run out of their Tom’s and Earthpaste and I don’t think I’m going to replace theirs either. This is just too good a deal! Coconut oil is supposed to be good for your teeth. I’m looking forward to my next dentist appointment to see how my teeth look to her.
Does your tooth paste taste salty?
To sweeten the toothpaste you can add a bitt of xylitol
Absolutely, many add it or stevia.
Xylitol seems a better choice then stevia, it has bacteria fighting properties.
Hey! Am i the only one who gets the toothbrush all sticky and oily and hard to wash after brushing the teeth?
The oil rinses off quite easily for me, but I also dip my toothbrush in vinegar for extra cleaning.
Many people say that brushing with baking soda destroy tooth enamel. However, other sites say that baking soda is good for the teeth. Who is right here? I have been brushing with the coconut oil/baking soda tooth paste for about a month. Recently, I was feeling a little bit of sensitivity in my teeth and that’s why I started researching. I’m thinking that the sensitivity could have been caused by drinking a lot of green tea lately, in which my wife puts a lot of lemon juice. I also rinse with a mouthwash made of water, baking soda, and peppermint oil extract. Any suggestions?
From my research, it doesn’t seem to be as abrasive as some say. I’ve been using it a few times a week to every day over the past few years. It hasn’t caused any issues for me. I know my grandmother (who doesn’t like to spend any money), has been brushing with baking soda for 20+ years and that’s all she brushes with.
Vinegar is mother natures antibacterial. I use it to clean my bathrooms and in the dishwasher or mixed with water in a sprayer for whatever non-porous surface you want. No rinsing, no streaking, and odor killing.
Unfortunately you are incorrect about saying sodium flouride is harmful to enamel. There is plenty of SCIENTIFIC literature proving the healthy benefits of Fl and it is the single best mineral that has changed the epidemic of tooth decay. Fluoride actually binds to demineralized enamel from the acidic byproducts from bacteria creating flurohydroxyappitite which is less permeable to the acid than your natural tooth. Similarly, research has shown that SLS (sodium lauyrl sulfate) has a high degree of efficacy in reducing the bacteria that lead to periodontal disease. The argument that Fl is toxic is similar to saying Sodium or Hydrogen is toxic. Yes at extreme levels they are can be harmful, but I’d say we all think the the benefits of H when combined with Oxygen making water far out weigh the risks. I’m not saying don’t use a natural toothpaste, but please don’t post misinformation.
Sounds like someone cashes checks made out to “dentist” or works for Listerine…. Lol
I am so glad that many of you are taking on the disinfo about fluoride being beneficial in any way shape or form. This is not to be confused with the natural element. In the 40s and 50s there were many magazine articles decrying fluoride as a toxic substance coming from the waste water of aluminum and nuclear plants. Those corporations did not want to clean it up and decided a propaganda campaign would be more cost effective for them. Sad but true. If children swallow it, they must be rushed to a hospital. Says so right on the label.
Forgot to mention, Teflon (such as from Du Pont) also contains toxic fluoride. When you heat up a Teflon pan, the toxic fluoride fills the surrounding area with toxic fluoride gas. Du Pont, has many subsidiaries, one of which is Monsanto, BTW. Du Pont manufactured the first Atomic and/or nuclear bombs, and has owned aluminum plants. So don’t give away your Teflon pans, find a ways to destroy them safely. Or send them back to the Du Pont family members’ homes with controlling interest in Teflon just to let them know that you know. They get scared when people wake-up, you know?
Goodness, I used to give my kids fluoride drops when they were little, of course that was on the advice of my pediatrician. My oldest son has been having problems with his teeth now, he is 46.
It is true that there are studies that support fluoride being healthy and helpful. It is also true that it has been proven that fluoride in toothpastes and other dental products are extremely hazardous. How can both be true, you might ask? CALCIUM fluoride is naturally occuring and SODIUM fluoride is created from toxic waste. Guess which has been studied and which has been promoted by big business.
What I would like to know is how has your dental check ups been since using this recipe? Has it improved plaque and tartar and lessened the need for long dental cleanings? And does it address “dry mouth” as that is a big reason why I use Biotene instead of the other brand names with all those additives? Thanks.
Nckwbc….do yourself a favor and read this book:
That’s true, but if the foods in our diet weren’t so processed, we wouldn’t need it
Explain how Flouride is good for teeth when I don’t eat a lick of junk food (candy, chips, sodas, fast food, etc.) And I am constantly, CONSTANTLY, battling cavities. I have flossed, brushed, and rinsed religiously since I was a kid. Let me tell you, my parents thought I was a wackado having access to oreos, and passing them up to steal out of the vegetable crisper. I was 4, demanding brussel sprouts, call me weird, and dont believe me, go ahead. But I’m happy with the way I’ve grown up, and lived, and upon flouride’s introduction,my teeth and health have never put me in more pain. Flouride IS an acid, it EATS away slowly at your teeth, and it makes them brittle. I even had a tooth break while eating a tomato… A TOMATO!
Medical/ dental promotion of fluoride commonly in toothpaste is “political spin” to protect and allow manufacturers who are dumping gross amounts of that toxic element into the environment with impunity.
The best thing I’ve ever done for my health is wash my entire mouth, especially between the teeth immediately (or as soon as possible) after eating with a pressure washer like a Water Pick water flosser and use this body friendly
coconut oil-baking soda
blended with a very small portion of diatomaceous earth (food grade silica)
then flavored with peppermint oil.
Tea Tree oil has also been suggested as an even better additive. Consider this we have been led to swallow pharmaceuticals said to promote relief from ailments, but what about the high level of bacteria that accumulates if we accept the dentist’s advice and only brush morning and night while decaying food and acids accumulate for many hours.
I think the medical-dental society has been acting in an parasitic manner for centuries. I have found great benefits of NOT taking pharmaceuticals, elimination of fluoride, refusing surgery, and researching the benefits of utilizing select foods, herbs, and spices for health care. The last person I seek for advice is a doctor that pushes pharmaceuticals.
You cant blame flouride for your bad teeth. Junk food isnt the only thing that causes decay, anything that has carbohydrates does. It seems sometimes problematic teeth can be genetic. Some people are born with more problematic teeth. I am not promoting fl in any way but I am saying if fl was the cause of decay we would have an epidemic of decay. I have used fl all my life like anyone else and dont have rempant decay. Perhaps you should look into other factors that may cause you weak teeth. Teeth are made up of minerals…are you perhaps consuming less of a necessary mineral. All in all I think its great to find alternative choices to mainstream junk, but such blatant accusations really should be better researched..
I made a larger version of this recipe which called for 1 tsp stevia( and used equal parts eucalyptus and lemon essential oils) with magnificent results. The recipe called for 6 Tbsp of coconut oil and baking soda so I’ve been putting it in the fridge, but after reading this I’m not sure that’s necessary. Any thoughts? Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Keeping it in the fridge should significantly extend how long it will last, I usually keep mine in the fridge when I make a large batch.
OK, thank you. I’ll continue to do that. ^__^
Hi i did make them and would like to know some information about it. when googling around some site, some says baking soda shouldn’t be use everyday and some said 3 ~ 4 times a week. but that is for baking soda with other mixture like hydro perox etc. is it okay to use it everyday? because i cant find any fact regarding mixture of coconut oil.
Many do use the baking soda and coconut oil mixture daily. I have been using it every day for about a year now. I haven’t read of any negative affects of using it daily.
Hi lori…I just want to ask if the magnesium oil is good to apply on my face because I have so many Whiteheads in my face since I started my PMS.thank you…From:Janet
I’ve never tried applying it to my face. Let us know how it works for whiteheads if you give it a try.
I am not sure how I know this or if it is true,but I think it is the peroxide that is not good for daily use. I believe it can cause sensitivity, but only if it is used full strength out of the bottle. I think if you dilute it 50/50 with water and store it in a dark bottle like the one you buy it in, it is an effective mouth rinse for killing the bacteria that cause bad breath and can help with whitening. I don’t know much about essential oils but I wonder if you could add some for flavor and also extra health benefits?
for years i have been pouring a little peroxide on my toothbrush, then dipping it in a baking soda/salt mixture. i have had a clean bill of health every year at the dentist !
hey guys, store bought peroxide is very bad for you. read all the bad ingredients that are in it, even if it does clean your teeth well. peroxide is great for a lot of things, but be sure to buy the food grade peroxide. you can get it from and other places. BE SURE to dilute it 3 drops to 11 oz, I think, to get the right dilution. read up on it well.
Did anyone else find this recipe to be too salty tasting because of the amount of baking soda? I tried it and I could barely stand the taste. I have used tooth soap made out of coconut oil peppermint oil dr bronners soap and a little stevia. Much more palatable. Any suggestions?
It does take some getting use to because of the baking soda. You could use less baking soda in the mixture or add several drops of essential oils.
How long does it last?
This recipe should last for about a week. You can double the recipe to last longer and store it in the fridge to extend it.
Hi sounds like something i want to try 2 problems for me where to get coconut oil no longer on the island s what brand do you all buy ? and sorry for my ignorance but what is coconut pulling? would some one enlighten me Thanks
Hi Debbie, You can get it at your local health food store online. I use unrefined coconut oil.
and here’s some information on oil pulling, it is beneficial for oral health.
I just wet my toothbrush, dip it in dry baking soda, and add a couple of drops of peppermint extract. It is simple and much more effective than store bought toothpaste.
Ditto. I add organic ground cinnamon to the baking soda. It’s lovely!
Can I get a link to your primary source for the properties of coconut oil?
Hi Rose, here are the main sources:
How often do you use the coconut oil and baking soda paste? Everyday or every other day?
I use it every day.
Hi What brand of oil you use?
I use organic unrefined coconut oil, I think it’s by spectrum.
When I oil pull with coconut, all of the bacteria I pulled is still in the oily residue left on my teeth. I know about coconut oil’s antibacterial properties, but I still use a good mouth rinse to make sure it all gets out and off. I think it’d be good to follow up with a rinse after brushing with this – to double check or insure the bacteria is all gone. Very excited to try this!! I’ve been using a desert essence toothpaste, which is good but still contains vegetable glycerin and isn’t made with my own love for my health. 😉 Still can’t get the hubby off Crest and blue Listerine. While he knows the fluoride in the water is waste material, and we do our best to drink clean water, he is still convinced daily toothpaste fluoride cleans teeth the best and does not damage the teeth – when I’m telling him this chemical should be reserved for dentist visits only. I’m going to get some further resources to back up your claims on the ingredients you listed in your post! Sorry to rant, lol, but thank you so much for getting this information out there!!
If you are worried about the residue and want some healthy florudie, eat and apple or chew on one. Apple’s have natural Fluoridethat will get your teeth nice and clean.
you can get the healthy calcium fluoride in tissue salts from health store. This is the form the body needs can use & helps tooth enamel. could grind up tablets & add to toothpaste or just chew separately 🙂
There is no such thing as healthy flouride, it’s all dangerous, no matter what. If you meant Iodine, then yes, the body does need iodine. Apples don’t contain flouride, but they do contain low doses of iodine, which is great for the body. Iodine is also a big contributor to weight loss, and even lowers cholesterol. Don’t you just love mother nature’s medicine cabinet?
I dont know if it was the oil pull or not, but after i did the oil pulling, i got sick! really sick. I dont do that anymore, but i want to read more about it and maybe try again.. hummm
Unless you have a coconut allergy, you getting sick was a result of the change. After oil pulling for a couple more days to a week, you will feel better. But check to see if you have a coconut allergy before trying again. Like a changing your diet will cause issues for a while because your body is adjusting to the change, oil pulling can have the same effect. You are keeping toxins from entering your body that it was previously used to having. In a week you will find that any normal chronic issues that you may have will be gone. I had allergies at night. Itchy eyes, runny nose, i even had a hard time catching my breath. I have been oil pulling for two months now and i have only had to take allergy pills twice in that whole time. But again make sure it’s not an allergy that’s making you sick. There are other healthy oils out there that you can use.
Did you swallow it? I have to remind my kids every once in a while to remember not to swallow it. Gets confusing when we eat the oil and do oil pulling too. Don’t want those toxins that were pulled ingested.
Desert Essence, like Nature’s Gate, Tom’s of Maine and Jason toothpastes all contain carrageenan 🙁
I live in Minnesota. My house is Cold in the winter! I whip the coconut oil in the KitchenAid, or a hand beater, until it’s creamy, about 8 minutes. Then I mix my baking soda in and it stays pliable as long as it doesn’t melt. I then syringe it into an old store-bought toothpaste tube. I am grossed out with putting a used toothbrush into a toothpaste jar each day. The thought of that bacteria hanging out all day is too much for me. But I LOVE this toothpaste!
You know what, Catherine I don’t know why I didn’t think of that! I do the same with my KitchenAid stand mixer. I whip up my coconut oil too, I use it for make up remover and body lotion with I get out of the shower. It stays whipped, sometimes I have the little pearls. I am going to try this. I am grossed out about the jar too. I did buy a “GoToob” from EarthFare. (I know, it’s rubber/plastic, I didn’t want to do that) I never thought about reusing an oil toothpaste tube!!! What a great tip! Thank you so much!!! 🙂
Everyone in the house, (5 of us) have a sea shell from France that we individually chose to use as our toothpaste holder! I dont like to share my toothpaste with my kids.. and the kids like their own sea shell too.. noone likes germs.. eh.
this is fun and it works, and its cool!
Soaking brushes in a container with 3% hydrogen peroxide all the time between brushing is a great way to be assured of a clean toothbrush, but remember to rinse the brush in cold water before applying toothpaste. Open air storage of toothbrushes lends to all sorts of contaminants.
go toob is silicone its safe for EOs
You don’t have to dip the toothbrush into the jar. Get some kind of small spoon, a toothpick, or some other small object to scoop some toothpaste and put it in the toothbrush.
I simply use a small spoon to spoon onto my toothbrush so that I do not stick my toothbrush into the entire mixture.
You put that toothbrush in your mouth, though?
I’m doing baking soda, coconut oil, Himalayan salt…lemon n honey too maybe…cut the bottom off the toothpaste tube in my bathroom, clean it, pour the liquified mixture in. Get one of those toothpaste tube squeezer outter doo-daads.. Freeze that up… Presto!
Thanks for ideas! Sounds great!
i would not use lemon in a toothpaste. lemon is an acid which will wear away your tooth enamel.
I’m not sure I would put honey in toothpaste either. I would be too worried about the sugar promoting tooth decay
Typo…….Sorry….I meant….It’s really great! (the toothpaste) 🙂
Hey! I found your coconut oil & baking soda toothpaste. I was so excited! I made it, came home tonight after work…and the coconut nut oil with solid again??? Ever have that happen? Does it ever stay as a liquid? Sad thing is, I put it in a travel squeeze tube, solid as a rock in there. 🙂
Hi Darlene, so glad you gave the toothpaste a try! Coconut oil changes from liquid to solid depending on the room temperature, I believe the melting point is around 76 degrees. To liquify it, just heat up a pot of water (doesn’t need to be boiling, just at a fairly warm temp) and place the jar/container inside the pot.
Thank you, Lori! I guess my house is to cold right now. I didn’t know if I put to much coconut oil, oh well. I will figure it out. Maybe can get a smaller container to put in water while I am washing my face. (till it summer) It really is get, made my teeth feel so clean, and shiny! (I love coconut oil, I have just starting oil pulling with it) Thanks so much for all the great information!!
You could heat it up with your hair dryer too 😉
I make my toothpaste in an old glass jar (small coconut oil jar works). I just dip out of it. During the winter, it was rock hard! But coconut oil melting point is 76 so you can put it in a container to warm it up. As long as the glass is warm, it works great 🙂
Hi I have a problem…I find it is very greasy….anyone have this issue
I had an issue with this at first, but the more I used it, the more I got use to it! I love it now & won’t use anything else!
How often do you use this, once a week?
Do you just brush your teeth once a week? That was pretty snarky, but it’s a toothpaste, meant to replace commercial toothpaste. So you use it the same frequency you use any toothpaste. If you only use this once a week and then use a regular toothpaste the rest of the time you won’t notice any improvement and you’ll be counteracting any benefits you would get from this.
How long is the shelf life once mixed ? storing in a glass pyrex with plastic lid – thanks !
You right hair dryer does work.
Just melt it in your mouth. Why use the leccy? It’s going in your mouth anyway!
She can’t get it out of the tube
Just submerge the tube in hot water…
How long do you aim it at the container and how close to the container do you put the hair dryer?
Just hold the tube in your hand for a few minutes. Your body heat will melt the coconut oil again.
I’m not sure how this pertains to toothpaste. The link you gave mentions the dangers of ingesting activated charcoal and unless you’re swallowing your toothpaste you should be safe.
I find traveling a challeng. Half my bottle leaked this last trip. So I’ll be looking for a bottle with a tighter fit. I love this and have been brushing with coconut oil about six months now. I’m a coffee drinker so this helps keep them whiter.
That happened to me the first time I made toothpaste. It was due to me using refined coconut oil. Use the unrefined Virgin oil instead and make sure that your oil to baking soda ratio is 1 to 1 (or slightly less oil than baking soda)
Is there anything wrong with the coconut paste from Natural Grocers?
Everyone on here is complicating things I bit, I think. I simply took baking soda and liquid coconut oil (Trader Joe’s Virgin) & mixed together in a little container with a lid. No whipping, no mixer, no anything but just pour enough baking soda to make a paste. I used it today for the first time, and I swear to you, my teeth have never felt so clean. I am in LOVE with coconut oil. Next have to make a concoction for my dry desert skin…this product is the “the bomb”, but don’t make it a complicated deal, as long as it “works”. And TJ has a coconut spray that you can use for cooking–a quick spray is great-using less oil than ever before–and the flavor is wonderful with sauteeing food. try it, you ‘ll like it. I am reading everything I can find on coconut oil as it fits my budget ($5.99 a jar at TJ) and I like the “natural” aspect, as MY ENTIRE LIFE I gag on toothpate. So there must be something in it, my body doesn’t like-maybe the fluoiride. Good luck to you…
Thanks Pauli 🙂
I tried her recipe today, with a few minor alterations. instead of peppermint oil I used clove and cinnamon. Clove is really good for helping sore gums and teeth.
I also put some liquid vitamin d3 in it because I always have vit d deficiencies.
It was awesome. I just mixed it in a disposable ziplock container. I love it.
Great recipe!
I am going to try this right away!
How did you mix the clove and cinnamon into your toothpaste.? What were the quantities?
Desert dry face you say? Totally try this! 1/4 cup raw honey(if you can get local, even better), 1/4 cup coconut milk and a table spoon of castile soap (I used Dr. Bronner’s baby pure)….I’m thinking I’m going to play with the recipe and use it for EVERYTHING. …lol and I agree…I mix my peppermint,coconut oil and baking soda till I’m happy with the consistency…loooove it as a tooth paste😍😍😍
Hi Lori, can I brush my teeth with baking soda after oil pulling? Cause I don’t have peppermint oil
Yes, that’s what I do. It has really whitened my teeth.
I use mine hard. I scoop some up on clean fingernail and put it on my toothbrush. Works great.
Great idea!
I am so ready to make this natural toothpaste! I just have one question: do you spit out the toothpaste in the sink? I know coconut oil solidifies so wouldn’t it be bad for the plumbing?
That’s a good question. I do spit it out in the sink. When I do oil pulling though, I spit that out in the trash can. It hasn’t caused any plumbing issues for me yet, but I definitely do wonder about it too!
I just swallow the oil/baking soda after brushing.
Your supposed to spit it out because it has all of the bacteria in it.
I thought you used coconut oil that doesnt solidfy because it can clog the sink??
All coconut oil solidifies in cold temps (unless there are other ingredients added to it).
what is the peppermint oil for ?
It has antiseptic properties.
Can I use this everyday?
doTerra has a fractionated coconut oil that doesn’t solidify, works great.
Link please?
Just google doterra fractionated coconut oil..
If you just ran the tip of your tube under hot water for a minute or dipped the end in a cup of hot tap water you should get enough out each time, it’s quick to melt. I put mine in a jar. In the winter I rub a bit on my teeth and gums to get it going.
It’s a great and simple recipe. I add cinnamon powder instead of mint. You can also add powdered egg shells for calcium magnesium and whitening.
Do you just grind up regular egg shells into a powder or do you buy the powder? And this whitens your teeth more than the baking soda?
My holistic dentist says Be careful with sourcing your eggshells. Check that they are mercury-free eggs. Most Eggs contain traces of mercury because the chicken feed is corn that has been fertilised with fish meal which contains traces of mercury. You don’t want to be rubbing this into the thinnest membrane of the body – near the brain- ok ? X
Hey, may I ask for the details of your holistic dentist? I so need to have some work done. Thank you x
He’s in Harley street London Dr Hesham El Asaway. A very smiley man
Hi i love the toothpaste but my gums feel a little sore after is this just because the BS is a little more abrasive
Maybe try decreasing the amount of baking soda next time. It can be a little abrasive if you have more sensitive gums.
or just use CORAL CALCIUM with your extra virgin coconut oil and aluminum free baking soda (not the arm and hammer kind unless you want to scrape up your teeth enamel)
Darlene – Whip the mixture with a hand mixer or kitchen aid mixer and it will stay smooth. A hand whip will also work but will be more work. Blenders & food processors will melt coconut oil which you don’t want. You want a whipped consistency to be more like toothpaste consistency. I would agree with the Sodium Fluoride comment being a good ingredient. I don’t make this toothpaste but have read many testimonials to it. I make a coconut oil skin moisturizer using this method and works wonderfully.
One of my reasons for making my own toothpaste is to NOT have flouride in it. Flouride is toxic and is dangerous to your thyroid and your overall health. Do your own homework for the sake of your health..
I agree with Janine. Sodium Fluoride is poisonous and dangerous in any amount. We need to prevent the fluoridation of public water supplies and oral hygiene products without exception. Hexafluorosilicic acid also needs to be banned from supplements and public water systems. These two poisons among a host of other poisons are slowly poisoning the people.
Qld.aust tried to stop flouridation of its public water system but didnt succeed…my daughters skin reacted badly an was burnt slightly when she bathed herself…
No wonder I am always so tired, it’s the fluoride.
I soften it and whip it with a fork and that works great too. Especially if its a small amount.
The whole point of making your own toothpaste is so you don’t have the poisonous fluoride another crap in it! If you’re adding fluoride into it you might as will just go by the toothpaste from the store.
I’ve been using coconut oil-baking soda toothpaste for several months. I’ve been through the hardening condition, tried using a squeeze bottle with the same problem. The way to do it is mix and store this wonderful toothpaste in a small bowl and cover it with a saucer etc., then I place a tea cup on top of the saucer and expel the used toothpaste into the tea cup so that it doesn’t enter my drain, harden, and clog the drain. The spent toothpaste in the tea cup is then soaked with dish washing detergent a few minutes and rinsed down the drain. This toothpaste is truly wonderful but a little different to handle than the toxic commercial stuff. I then use colloidal silver for mouthwash. After a minute of swishing or so I simply swallow the colloidal silver to strengthen my overall health. Great way!
Colloidal silver can turn your skin colors!
If you get a reputable brand like Soverign Silver, it will not turn your skin blue at all. I have used it for years, spraying it into my ears, eyes, and on cuts and take it internally.
It is true that consistent use of large quantities of colloidal silver may turn the skin grey or blue, but that is indication of overdose. Colloidal silver is quite harmless even if the skin discolors from high consumption. Two or three tablespoons of colloidal silver is extremely unlikely to cause skin discoloration. If one notices skin discoloration simply lower the consumption or stop it all together until skin tones return to normal. No problem.
Skin discoloration is surely quite safe and much more mild than side effects from poisonous chemicals often times administered under the name of “medicine.”
I’m pretty sure the skin will not revert back to its full natural colour
If one is paying attention the minor discoloration of the skin most likely will NEVER become a problem. The question is do you want to be well through these times of man made diseases, or are you going to be more concerned about appearance, that is the question for you to choose? One may want to rely on over the counter meds or pharmaceuticals then compare the side effects but I don’t recommend it. OTC and pharmaceuticals are not for me not even used in moderation.
If you search google the cause of skin turning blue is from taking too much. if its taken in the right amounts the skin doesn’t turn blue.
The skin discoloration is due to taking colloidal silver that has got its silver content mostly in ionic and not in particle form. The ionic form gets accumulated in the skin but not the particle form. There are a few products that have their silver content mostly in particle form such as Meso Silver.
However, colloidal silver has only been shown to be an effective antimicrobal when used externally. Internally it`s only worked in vitro (in laboratory conditions) but not in vivo (the way it creates its effect inside the body). The ways the body treats chemicals is often counter-intuitive and is surprisingly different from what we would expect from it. Taking it even in the particle form orally would have a general antimicrobal effect in the digestive tract (it is not proven that it has got any effect whatsoever in the bloodstream or between the cells) and so it is going to weaken the gut flora or even wipe it out completely. Ironically our microbiome is at the core of our immune system so we`re really shooting ourselves in the leg with that. I`d say that it`s best to keep a spoonful of colloidal silver in our mouth without swallowing it for half an hour and allow it to be absorbed through the musous membrane there and then spit it out.
Other than disinfecting wounds and helping my burns heal faster I use colloidal silver mainly as a deodorant. The furthest I`m willing to go in using it internally is to disinfect my throat with it if I have a sore throat, still spitting it out. But due to a balanced diet and stress-free living I don`t become ill anymore so that I would need to take it internally (the effects of which might only be attributed to the placebo effect).
While I love colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide does a fabulous job as a mouthwash! Just spit after swishing and rinse with water. 😉
Make sure its food grade peroxide, the stuff in stores is not and contains stabilizers to keep the peroxide stable longer which are toxic unless the bottle say its food grade.
Only if you overdose on it…
Does this mixture help tooth whitening?? Thank you.
Doug, I know you commented quite a while ago but I was wondering, are you still using your toothpaste and how were your results after several months or even years?
Use a small wide mouth mason jar. whip up with a hand mixer.. test it. Do small amount .
Your toothpaste got cold. Warm it up!
During the winter you can set whatever you are storing it in on a heat register to keep it soft.
Will your drains clog up seeing it goes solid again? Can you microwave or does it change it?
Yes it has a tendency to clog drains. Use hot water often, and pour boiling water down the drain weekly. Also expelling coconut oil into a solid waste container is a good idea, but also boiling water is necessary for long term drain clearing related to coconut oil.
Just have to put it in hot water…
Coconut oil melts at body temprature! Also, I would not use a microwave for ANYthing, EVER!
I have been making this toothpaste for about 2months. I like it, but what I am finding is that my teeth need to be brushed MORE often.. do you find this is the case? I really like clean teeth. I am not sure that brushing more or longer is really the issue.. My teeth are simply just not as clean as with other toothpastes.. I sometimes brush my teeth with listerine. Just dip and away we go.. it keeps my gums healthy, and dont forget to floss!
What I LOVE, is that i can brush my teeth in the morning before i drink coffee and the coffee still tastes great, and i feel safe drinking water after brushing my teeth, and citris too.. Very nice. I still dont like to just simply brush my teeth before bed. I like to brush about a half an hour before bed or hour.. seems better to me. ok thanks..gnite
Coconut oil and baking soda toothpaste is ultra mild non-abrasive so I add a half teaspoon of food grade diatomaceous earth/ silica into a batch. Then I only use that more abrasive paste as needed and primarily use the non-abrasive paste most of the time. It works well that way.
You could try alternating with Oregano Oil – neat. It sure puts a zing in your mouth but the clean is amazing.
Listerine has been proven more likely to cause mouth cancer than smoking. You might wanna rethink that habit 🙂
Where did you find that info. ?
Coconut oil melts in body temperature, you will only need to wash the tube/container in hot water for a few seconds to loosen it up. Have fun!
Mix in some olive oil!
Coconut oil is solid at room temperature. Run your tube under hot water until you feel it liquifying, this happens pretty quickly, and then squeeze some out onto your tooth brush.
Is it ok if I use the toothpaste everyday or should I just use it once a week for example?
Coconut oil has to be warm to not turn into a solid
Yeah, it turns back to a liquid very quickly if you warm it in your hands for a while , its a bit like honey but with a lower melting point xx
Hold it between your hands to melt it. Coconut oil melts at room temp.
Put tube in warm water….for a bit
Aim a heavy smoker no drink coffee 3 to 4 cups a day so how many time do I have to brush my teeth every day or once a week with coconut oil and backing soda ..?
Put it between ur hands and roll it around a few min 1st or run it under warm water and massage the tube to mix it b4 use
Just need to slightly warm up and tj coconut oil will return to liquid form
Virgin coconut oil is a solid below 76 degrees F/24 degrees C. Keep it above these temps if you want liquid oil. You can increase the melting point up to 104F/ 40C by hydrogenation. This is a rather complicated process. To keep it simple, just warm it up by holding the tube in your hands, this will liquify the oil again.