Some people can’t get enough magnesium and see a huge difference in how they feel when they increase their magnesium level transdermally. I’m one of those people who just can’t get enough and have found a world of difference adding magnesium soaks to my routine! I do take a magnesium supplement; ...
How to get Nutrients
How Many Times Should You Chew Your Food? More than you think!
How many times do you chew your food before you swallow? Maybe 5 or 10 times? But I’m sure it’s not 100 times a bite, like the old wives tale suggests! But it actually turns out that your great grandma was actually right about the importance of chewing. You'd be surprised that when you research ...
20 Signs You Have Low Stomach Acid and How to Treat it Naturally!
If you want to find out what’s causing a health problem you have, it could be a simple fix – improve your low stomach acid! It’s a condition that so many have and something that is stopping us from being our healthiest! I heard about it before, but I just recently realized the importance of ...
Are You Eating the Healthiest Eggs? Find Out the Difference Between the Kinds
Eggs are one of the most perfect foods, but how do you know which kind are the healthiest eggs? Do you get organic, cage-free, free-range, or fresh eggs? Toxins and pesticides are a concern that’s why I always try to get organic, but what about if you’re buying them in a store? I always wondered if ...
12 Signs Your Health Problems are Actually Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms
Could your health problems actually be magnesium deficiency symptoms? The symptoms can be anything from headaches to PMS. Chances are you may deficient in this mineral as according to Natural News, more than 80% of the population is not getting enough magnesium. Low magnesium is often over ...
Comparing Apples to Apples for Antioxidant Levels
Fall is Here! Prime Time to go Picking Delicious, Organic Apples! Yesterday, when I entered a store, I was startled by a witch dressed in black trying to hand me a black apple! No, she wasn’t real, but she caught me off guard because I haven’t even thought about Halloween yet, even though the ...
10 Low Sugar Fruits You Shouldn’t Go Without
Fruits are a great source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients! Fruit contains fat-soluble vitamins including vitamin A, E, D, and K. They also have water soluble vitamins, including B complex vitamins such as B6, B12, folate, niacin, and thiamine, and vitamin C. Additionally, fruits ...
Everything You Need to Know About the Sun and Vitamin D
Soak Up the Sun and Vitamin D After a long winter, it's finally time to bring out the bathing suits and bring on the sunshine! It's finally warm enough to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine! Being in the Northeast, we only get a few months (May-Sept.) that are warm enough to go sun bathing and soak ...
What to do with Dandelions
What to do With Dandelions, They are More than Just a Weed! Have you ever wondered what to do with dandelions in your yard? Sure, most people see them as a nuisance and want to get rid of them, but actually, they should be harvested due to their amazing health benefits. I’m actually trying to ...
Is Coconut Water Healthy?
Over the past few years the popularity of coconut everything has skyrocketed and many have incorporated it into their diet for the health benefits. This includes coconut oil, coconut milk, and coconut flour…but what about coconut water? Is coconut water healthy too? Coconut water is the clear ...