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Are eggs good for you? 30 Reasons to Eat Eggs
Eggs have gotten a bad rap in the past and unfortunately, many today still believe the wide spread misinformation.
Are eggs good for you? Do they cause heart disease? Do they raise cholesterol? Should I avoid them?
Depending on who you ask, you may get very different answers to these questions. Many traditional doctors still would answer that eggs increase cholesterol and should be avoided. Some are adamant that only the egg white should be used because of the cholesterol in the yolk. Even when trying to research this topic, some articles still push the idea that eggs are harmful and in order to prevent health problems, one should avoid them.
I have to admit that I once believed the propaganda spread in the media and by drug pushing corporations. It wasn’t until I first began seeing a naturopath that I heard that eggs are good for you and the doctors are the ones who have it wrong. Sure, the first time my naturopath said that, I thought he must be crazy, how could doctors be wrong? Sadly, they are and not just about eggs.
Eggs are actually a super-food, they are packed with nutrients vitamins and health benefits!
But don’t eggs raise your cholesterol?
One of the main reasons eggs are avoided is due to fear of them increasing cholesterol. However, several studies have shown that not only do eggs not raise LDL cholesterol, but lower it. According to a recent study, those consuming 3 eggs per day over 12 weeks were found to have lower LDL cholesterol and raised HDL. Another study showed that those who consumed 4 or more eggs per week had lower cholesterol than those who only ate one egg per week.
Eggs are good for you! Here’s why:
1. Eggs are Full of Vitamins and Minerals– Including vitamins B, C, D, E, K, and more.
2. Lower High Blood Pressure– The peptides present in eggs were shown to help reduce high blood pressure.
3. Great Source of Protein– Eggs are a great source of protein, one egg contains 6 grams of protein.
4. Omega 3’s– Eggs contain a high level of essential omega-3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient and good for your heart.
5. Nine Essential Amino Acids– Eggs are known as the perfect food as they contain all 9 of the essential amino acids.
6. Can Lower Your Cholesterol– Eggs do contain cholesterol, however as mentioned above, studies have shown that those who consume eggs regularly had a reduced LDL and an increase in HDL (the good cholesterol).
7. Boost Brain and Nerve Health-One egg contains 20% of the daily recommended intake of choline. Approximately 90% of Americans are choline deficient. Choline is essential for phospholipids used in all cell membranes. Adequate levels of choline are essential for brain and nerve health.
8. Contain Lutein and Zeaxanthin– These carotenoids are an essential component for eye health and defend against the damaging effects of free radicals.
9. Contain Tryptophan and Tyrosine– Two amino acids which have great antioxidant properties. Tryptophan is also important as it is converted to serotonin, a mood enhancer and converted into melatonin in the pineal gland, which benefits sleep.
10. Reduced Risk of Macular Degeneration– Eggs protect your eyes from developing age-related macular degeneration due to the lutein and zeaxanthin present.
11. Good Source of Vitamin B12– Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for the process of converting homocysteine into safe molecules, such as glutathione, an important antioxidant.
12. Eggs Contain Calcium– One egg contains 50mg (5%) calcium. Although not a large source of calcium, an increased intake can reduce the risk of colon polyups and breast cancer.
13. Eggs Do NOT Cause Heart Disease– The choline in eggs is a crucial nutrient to help reduce the inflammation that leads to heart disease.
14. Reduce Birth Defects– Eggs contain folate, a nutrient which studies have shown to help prevent birth defects when consumed prenatally, one egg contains 44μg (11%) of folate.
15. Good Source of Vitamin A– One egg contains 19% of the RDA for vitamin A, which plays an important role in improving the immune system.
16. Promote Healthy Hair and Nails– The sulfur contained in eggs and the additional vitamins and minerals help promote hair and nail growth.
17. Reduce Oxidative Stress– Selenium, an essential macronutrient contained in eggs helps reduce oxidative stress.
18. Reduce Risk of Tumors– Eggs are an excellent source of selenium which has been associated with preventing cancer and in particular reducing tumors affecting the prostate.
19. Eggs Protect Your Eyesight– Not only do they prevent macular degeneration, but the antioxidants in eggs also have been reported to protect eyes from damage related to UV exposure.
20. Reduces Risk of Cataracts– The antioxidants have also been linked to reducing the risk of developing cataracts in old age.
21. Improve Immune System Functioning– The iron contained in eggs helps support a healthy immune system and normal red blood cell production.
22. Lose Weight– In a study from Louisiana State University, participants who ate eggs for breakfast instead of bagels, lost more weight and reported having more energy.
23. Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer– A recent study found that women who consumed high amounts of choline, an abundant nutrient in eggs, were 24% less likely to get breast cancer.
24. Source of Vitamin D– The majority of the population is deficient in vitamin D which is essential for boosting the immune system and preventing cancer. One egg contains 41 IU of the 600 IU recommend daily amount of vitamin D.
25. Reduces Inflammation– The choline in eggs aids in reducing inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to increasing the risk of osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, cognitive decline, and type 2 diabetes.
26. Beneficial for Fetal Development– The choline present in eggs is essential for pregnant women as it is crucial for proper fetal brain development and preventing neural tube defects.
27. Reduce Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke– Several studies have shown that the nutrients in eggs help prevent blood clots which reduces the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
28. Improved Memory Function– The high amount of vitamins and nutrients in eggs, in particular choline, improves memory function and cognition.
29. Eggs Can Be Inexpensive– Many are able to get eggs for a great price when bought from local farmers. Another option is to raise your own chickens! Not only does this help save money and provide you with more nutritional value, but you could sell eggs to those in the area to cover the cost of caring for them.
30. Egg Variety– There are many ways to prepare eggs, whether you eat them raw, scramble them up in coconut oil, or boil them. You can also add great variety by adding in nutritious vegetables and herbs, such as to an omelet.
Do you eat eggs? How often do you eat them?
Additional Sources:
I’m currently eating 6 eggs per day, with yolks scrambled among other ingredients, I divide the amount to eat around 4 times per day. I eat that as a source of protein, as I’m a vegetarian, currently doing that for 2 months now, and everthing seems ok with me.
Lori, Health Extremist
Thanks for sharing, glad to hear it’s worked out.
i ate 3-4 eggs a day. i also smoke 2 cigrattes a day. if smoking affects my sperm count. if how could i increase my sperm count ?
just wondering , Broiler chicken egg ??,or pure eggs ,can some one please tell…best regards
Lori, Health Extremist
Pure eggs that are farm fresh are best.
I lowered my cholesterol 76 points in 6 months by eating a high-fat, high-cholesterol, high-sodium diet void of whole grains. I eat poached farm eggs with runny yolks every morning. I also eat lots of grass-fed red meat (available thru my website and by taking Youngevity supplements and my salt is Himalayan pink mineral salt. How I got high cholesterol was doing what the doctor tells us to do: no eggs, low fat, no red meat, lots of grains—-totally false. Eggs contain HDL which will help to lower the LDL (bad). Removing grains will eliminate the small particle LDL (widow maker).
David Emery
I cannot not agree with you any more than 100%. You have obviously sidetracked the wholesale rubbish that has been so widely circulated. My wife and I swopped our old two story house that was on a 0.2 acre lot in Charlotte, NC. for a house on fifty one acres in Hilliard, North Eastern Florida. We now have a large family of free range black “Jersey Giant” chickens who provide us with more eggs than we could ever need. Both my wife and myself feel 100% better from eating the fresh eggs as well as drinking the natural well water which is pumped directly from a deep aquifer. We particularly noticed an improvement in our mental abilities. Thanks for sharing your experience as it helps to confirm our belief in the results that we have been lucky enough to experience.
All the very best, Dave Emery. * * *
put cling film in a cup bung in 2 eggs and sprinkle with dried herbs + a little salt, put it in boiling water for a few minutes, empty it on toast, lovely= how healthy can you get??
don't judge me
Hi haven’t ate eggs since I was 10-11 years old an now I’m 22 but wishing I do much more for my health I have been looking online for healthy foods n tips …. but I haven’t ate eggs in so many years :'( what should I do by the way I have thyroid problem now as well would like to live n feel better about myself :/
If you currently eat products with soy you should stop. Eliminate all products that have soy in their ingredients for 30 days and see if your thyroid function improves. You have nothing to lose, and it may help with your thyroid issues.
Also, please do your own research on soy, and other items that have a negative effect on thyroid function.
Thyroid Issues
Try eliminating soy from your diet for 30 days and see if that helps your Thyroid issues.
I encourage you to do your own research regarding soy and it’s horrible effect on peoples health. (Fermented soy products excluded). You have to read labels though, because it is in everything. You might now even realize how much you are eating if you are consuming the standard american diet (SAD).
Robynne Catheron
If you’re buying store-bought eggs, you might as well throw them in the garbage. They’re full of growth hormones, fake food, and GMO – corn. The best source for eggs is the local farmers’ market, or raise your own chickens like we do. We know exactly what they eat, it’s all natural, and our chickens are outside all day, unlike commercial chickens who are horribly crammed altogether like sardines, not able to move. Our eggs are beautiful and delicious, and so healthy!
I agree Robynne, Organic Eggs are so much more safer then grocery store.
My husband and I eat Boiled eggs every morning with Steal cut oats.
Ah, I love steel cut oats, and so do my hens!
Too many people have been spreading fowl lies about eggs. Those who believe them must be cracked!!! Eggs are really something to crow about.
Lori, Health Extremist
Lori,I hv started body building.How many and how i hv to hv eegs perday for muscles building?
Lori, Health Extremist
You may find this article helpful:
james wisecup
Here’s a good link from a pro.
I started bodybuilding using him as a guide.
I eat 6-8 egg whites with 1-3 yolks each morning.
Good luck!
Lori, Health Extremist
Thanks for sharing James!
Mr Egg
I eat about 40 eggs each week.
I’ve also always been an egg supporter; I never believed that eggs were bad for your health – the yolk of the egg is supposed to contain nutrients for a developing chick, of course they’re going to be chock full of vitamins and all sorts of nutrients that will do wonders for your health. I’m going to eat more eggs now!
Health & Organic Wellbeing (H.O.W)
Thank you for sharing!
We eat eggs every single day
I am living proof that eggs do not raise cholesterol levels. I had been having problems and was on meds for cholesterol reduction for several years. Started having a lot of food intolerances and about the only thing I could eat that didn`t bother me (besides water!) was eggs, so I was eating on average at least 2, sometimes 3, eggs a day. That year when I went for my annual bloodwork, my cholesterol level was better than it had been in years! Knowing what my dr. would say re the number of eggs I was consuming, I just told him that I had eliminated a lot of foods that bothered me, and his response was, `well, whatever you`re doing, keep on doing it.` So I am…
Put the Doctor in their place
You should have told the doctor increasing your egg intake helped you. What would he say, you’re lying?
It’s your body and your right to discuss something that helped you. Doctors are great in keeping us alive a little longer at times – but they aren’t a “god” you need to tip toe around.
Lori, Health Extremist
Thanks for sharing! Same thing happened with my mom, she avoided eggs for probably 5 years because the doctor said they cause high cholesterol. But after she went on a real food diet and began eating eggs, her cholesterol decreased!
I usually eat one a day for breakfast, but after reading this I feel like a slacker.
I eat around 8-12 eggs a week, i jus love eggs, they r eggselent
We have 21 egg layers…because we eat a ton of eggs! We also sell just enough to cover the cost of their organic feed. Free range are the best which make the yolks very dark–yummo!
Eggs are awesome and tasty, I eat 6 eggs a day.
margaret leathers
I’m thinking of starting a 900 calorie die that has 3 eggs at breakfast an 3 at lunch do you feel ok or have any health probs this is every day 4 10 days cheers Margaret leathers nz
Eggs are awesome, I eat 6 eggs in a day 3 for breakfast
Ever tried baking eggs? It’s a fast and easy way to make them, and they can be used later for devilled eggs, chopped for salads, or just eaten as-is. They peel easier than traditional hard boiled eggs. Bake at 320 for 30 minutes, and then place in a bowl of cold water. The yolks turn out bright yellow, and since no salt or vinegar is added to boiling water, the flavor is very good.
Lori, Health Extremist
Thanks for sharing how to do it! I have actually never tried it before.
I agree that eggs are quite healthy and have much health benefits. I wish I can eat eggs, but unfortunately I have been tested to have an egg sensitivity (due to the fact that eggs are a potential gluten cross-reactive food for some gluten sensitive individuals).
Not saying that eggs contain gluten; they do not. But for some gluten sensitive individuals, the body sees the egg protein and responds in the same way as if it was seeing gluten.
Lori, Health Extremist
Thank you for sharing.
I am a poultry famer,am a young boy that is what i set for my business,i eat two eggs every day everyday i picked 25 crates of eggs
Did I understand you to stay you are a young boy?
Meant to type “say” not stay.
I was attending a conference on “food and the brain” and the instructor made reference to the fact that eggs do not have any harm to ones health if the egg is prepared a certain ways ie. with yolk intact. Does anyone know anything about this?
I love eggs! I raise my own chickens too. I eat eggs probably every day. I love some of the comments on here. Especially the one about the 100 year old man who eats eggs every day! Awesome.
I have always liked eggs, more so now that we raise our own.
I am a staunch supporter of eggs. I typically eat two a day with something green for breakfast. I love frittatas and omelettes. Eggs are a quick and easy back up plan for any meal!
Lori, Health Extremist
Sounds like a delicious breakfast!
I do agree…. Back several years ago I was having a lot of problems with food intolerances, and one of the few things that I actually had no problem with was eggs. I was eating usually 2/day for a total of about 14/week. I was expecting disaster when my bloodwork was done, but instead, my cholesterol was lower than it had ever been…. I think the medical profession is now beginning to find out that a lot of the low fat myths of the last 15 years is not fact.
I have a 100 yr old friend and he eats 2-3 eggs every single day! He has a great appetite and has eaten like this his whole life. I need to start eating eggs more regularly. Thanks for the great article! Lori
Lori, Health Extremist
Wow that’s amazing! Thanks for sharing.
you eat beans and leafy greens instead for eggs and you’d even better with that. eggs are not miraculous and their production causes environmental destruction and animal suffering. High scale production don’t give nutritional eggs, the hens don’t get any excessive or fresh air and on’t produce good eggs either…
Lori, Health Extremist
I only buy local eggs from my farmer where I know how the chickens are treated and what they are fed. I agree that it is absolutely terrible the way chickens are treated at commercial companies. I hope that more exposure will be brought to what they are doing so that we can bring a stop to it.
Great article. I have always been a big supporter of eggs, and i have known that the bull-oney about eggs causing high cholesterol couldn’t be right because i watched my dad eat two eggs for breakfast virtually every single day of my life, and he has always had low cholesterol and low blood pressure. I knew someone had their science wrong! 🙂 My schedule has been changed recently, and i’ve noticed that i didn’t feel very good – felt kind of nutritionally famished during the day. It was just yesterday that i realized that with my new schedule, i haven’t been taking the time to eat eggs every day. “That’s it,” i realized. That’s why i don’t feel good. Eggs are amazing. They’re like God’s amazing super food. Eggs and avacados. Yum.
Lori, Health Extremist
They really are a superfood! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I eat 3 eggs for breakfast every morning. Sometimes I boil then, sometimes I scramble them with cherry tomatoes and Parmesan, other times I fry them in coconut oil. Any way I eat them I think they’re YUM!
I am an egg eater. Love ’em in fact. We are having them for dinner tonight with fresh spinach and mushrooms a little cheese added in too 🙂 Yum!
I eat 4-6 eggs a week.
Have a beautiful day!
Lori, Health Extremist
That sounds like a delicious dinner! Have a great day as well 🙂
Hi can you please tell me if i can eat raw eggs at night are they good for to help sleep to heal body i am very weak medicines killing my body i am having trouble sleeping and in terrible pain.
Hi Willie, check out my new post for a natural remedy- a combination of ingredients to improve sleep. It has been helping me soo much!!
Hi Lori thank you for advice on sleep how can I contact you for advice on natural things for other health issues I am having?
You can email me directly. My email is listed on my contact me page in the navigation bar on the top of my page.
Prakash Ch. Pandey
Hi, I am Prakash , please tell me that effect of taking egg in morning . how to effect our memory .
I can’t find your post recommendati for sleep
Except for the cheese part, c’mon nutritionist get on the ball.
Come on Matthew, a bit of cheese in your eggs is delicious and nutritious. Remember that moderation is a key component to health. Locally sourced, organic cheese has many health benefits. Again: moderation. Let the woman enjoy a bit of cheese without giving her a hard time.
Please am debora is egg good for me when am menstruate
J kej
Your age please.