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Could your health problems actually be magnesium deficiency symptoms? The symptoms can be anything from headaches to PMS. Chances are you may deficient in this mineral as according to Natural News, more than 80% of the population is not getting enough magnesium.
Low magnesium is often over looked. Yet, there are hundreds of magnesium deficiency symptoms that this can cause, in addition to many diseases that can be exacerbated.
Almost a year ago, I went to my family doctor because I was having painful menstrual cramps every month. I asked him what could be causing this and what I should do about it. His response was that it was genetic; there’s nothing that can be done. His only suggestion was to take an over the counter medication to deal with the pain. But, after researching this online, I found that menstrual cramps are one of the common magnesium deficiency symptoms. Eager to try this, I corrected my ratio of calcium and magnesium and within a month voila! No more cramps!
Unfortunately, not many know about the importance of magnesium in the body and the resulting magnesium deficiency symptoms. It is helpful to research magnesium deficiency symptoms to find out if this could be the cause of your health problem too.
Why Are we not Getting Enough Magnesium?
It is very hard to get enough magnesium through your diet, no matter how healthy you eat. This is because modern farming processes have depleted our soil of adequate natural magnesium. Also, there are many other factors that significantly decrease the amount of magnesium absorbed in our bodies. These include:
- Stress – Many of us experience high levels of stress on a daily basis. When we experience stress or anxiety, this causes our bodies to deplete our magnesium.
- Diet- Certain foods can also result in a decrease in magnesium such as caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. It has been estimated that it takes 287 molecules of magnesium to metabolize one glucose molecule.
- Medications- There are many over the counter medicines and prescription medicine that deplete magnesium. These include: birth control pills, diuretics, insulin, and antibiotics.
Why You Need Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that is responsible for numerous bodily processes. It is the fourth most abundant mineral in our bodies and is essential for carrying out over 300 reactions within the body.
Magnesium is commonly known for helping relieve constipation, but that is just one of it’s many crucial roles in the body. Magnesium is important for the functioning of your heart, muscles, kidneys, and balancing many other nutrients such as calcium and potassium. Having adequate magnesium levels has been found to ward off diabetes, prevent osteoporosis, and improve blood pressure.
12 Common Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms:
1. Anxiety
2. Weak Bones
3. Low Energy
4. Weakness
5. Inability to Sleep
6. PMS and Hormonal Imbalances
7. Irritability
8. Nervousness
9. Headaches
10. Abnormal Heart Rhythm
11. Muscle Tension, Spasms, Cramps
12. Fatigue
These are just a few of the most common magnesium deficiency symptoms. Additional magnesium deficiency symptoms include: constipation, vertigo, stiff and achy muscles, insomnia, and muscle weakness. There are many more health problems that having low magnesium can cause. If you think you may be experiencing a magnesium deficiency symptom, but it’s not listed above, make sure to do a thorough search online.
Additional Conditions/Diseases Associated with Magnesium Deficiency:
Much research has found that individuals with magnesium deficiency are at an increased risk for developing diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, kidney stones, and restless legs syndrome, just to name a few.
How to Find Out if You’re Truly Deficient in Magnesium
When comes to determining if you have a magnesium deficiency, unfortunately, there is not a great way to find out, such as from a test. There are blood tests that can be used to check the level of magnesium in your body to evaluate if you have magnesium deficiency; however, they have been found to be inaccurate. This is because the blood serum tests only give a reading of the level of magnesium in your blood and only one percent of the magnesium in your body is distributed in your blood. Thus, you have to rely on making a diagnosis for magnesium deficiency based on magnesium deficiency symptoms, not a blood test.
It is best to look at the symptoms your experiencing and try supplementing with magnesium and evaluate whether it helped or not.
For me, after looking at the list of magnesium deficiency symptoms, I knew there were at least 3 that I had and it was likely that I had a magnesium deficiency. I also have some anxiety and I’m sure that was contributing to my decreased magnesium.
How to Increase Your Magnesium:
There are several ways you can increase your magnesium.
1. Use Epsom salts – Add Epsom salts to your bath or make a foot bath. Magnesium is highly absorbed through the skin (transdermally) .
2. Apply magnesium oil – Similar to Epsom salts, magnesium oil is made from adding the magnesium flakes (see them here) to water. You can add them to your bath, make a small mixture and spray it on your skin or rub it on with a washcloth. You can also, buy it pre-made.
3. Eat foods high in magnesium – such as leafy green vegetables and nuts. (however, with magnesium deficiency, it would be tough to raise your levels enough solely through diet) This is a helpful chart that lists foods high in magnesium.
4. Take a magnesium supplement.
My Experience with Treating Magnesium Deficiency:
After I started researching magnesium deficiency, the more I explored it, the more I thought I found the cause of my health issues. However, my doctor ignored me when I brought up the fact that magnesium deficiency may be behind my menstrual cramps or difficulty sleeping, so I had to find out for myself if my self-diagnosis was right. I started to increase my magnesium slowly, first by adding more green vegetables into my diet and taking baths with Epsom salts. This did make a great improvement and decreased the occurrence of my magnesium deficiency symptoms; however, I still felt that I wasn’t getting an adequate amount. So, I started making and applying magnesium oil, once every morning and this helped very much. After a full month, nearly all of my symptoms had been resolved.
When trying to increase your magnesium levels, you may need to use a combination of ways to ensure you’re getting enough. You can base this off your symptoms. Also, one sign to watch for, while you increase your magnesium, is diarrhea, if you’re getting too much this will occur.
Do you think you’re not getting enough magnesium? Have you experienced any of the magnesium deficiency symptoms?
Hi Lori. Im 16 and i am surprised to see that i have all of the symptoms.
Plus , i also have hyper thyroid.
I will try to eat more foods which contain Mg.
Hope you see an improvement 🙂
Menopause sufferer
Just found your website and read with interest regarding poss magnesium deficiency. I seem to have several of the symptoms although I am having a horrible time with the menopause. I have been taking Menopace which has a magnesium content of 100mg. I read up on the epsom salt foot baths and gave my mum one but I put too much in and it made her ill. I am so poorly right now with severe anxiety/depression and fatigue and I wonder whether I am low in magnesium as I have several of the symptoms. Have read good things about it and am willing to try anything to alleviate these awful symptoms. Am having my first foot soak as I am typing this but I have only put one teaspoon of salts in the bowl as I obviously don’t want to do what I did to my mum. Any advice please from anyone, thank you
That’s a good idea to start slow. I also only did it once a week a first and then slowly increased to a few times a week as my body got used to it. Hope you see an improvement!
habibullah Musharraf
Thanks for your hardworking for the deficiency of Mg How i can use MgSO4 or not?
I disagree that its hard to get enough magnesium through diet. Sure, dark leafy greens, whole grains and nuts have magnesium because plants use magnesium as a key component of chlorophyll but eating bones will get you the magnesium you need. Pressure cook bones to make stocks- an hour and half at 15 psi with bones covered by water, look up a recipe. Save the stocks and smash the bones into mush- a potato masher works. After smashing the bones, I make heaping teaspoon sized balls from the bone mush and freeze them. Later on, add a ball to my rice and beans. Also, its easy to overdo magnesium by taking supplements. Its hard for me to explain but I don’t recommend daily magnesium supplements. I’ve learned my body’s message telling me I’ve had too much magnesium b/c I used to take supplements and overdoing it happens. BTW: I don’t do the frozen bone mush balls daily either but a couple per week is good. Not all bones will soften enough to smash but many will. Experiment. Pork neckbones are my favorite.
I had a perforated bowl in 2008 I was seeing my specialist after I was recovering he had me taking laxatives for a very long time and it was so hard on my stomach I never really had problems with my bowls before I went septic I just had no life after it happened I was always trying to clean myself out so I didn’t get another perforation it was a month in the hospital and i went home with a colostomy bag after 3 months and surgery again so to remove the bag and reattach my bowls it was scary and a complete nightmare I was 44 .
I was getting my prescription for more of the stuff to drink for my bowls so I wouldn’t get all bunged up again I just hated it it was very sweet and caused a lot of cramping I imagine gas and I spent my days sitting on the toilet mostly all day.
When I was filling the prescription the pharmacist asked me if I ever tried Magnesium I tried so many laxative and stool softeners it was insane.
Bless his heart for suggesting Magnesium to this day I use it and Ive never took laxatives again I don’t have the gas or cramping .
I wish I would have known before my bowl perforation that Magnesium was so wonderful and good for us to use when I start my day and before I go to bed I take the Magnesium and lots of water Ive had no bowl problems ever since I have been using it.
So glad the magnesium is helping you! I wish someone would have told me about it sooner too. When I was working in a nursing home, I would always over hear that they were going to give prune juice when someone was having trouble going to the bathroom. Whenever I heard that I would think to myself, no they don’t need prune juice, they need magnesium!! lol It seems like doctors don’t even know about it ugh.
Rachael @ Love Yourself Green
Hey, Lori… I was just writing an article for my top 10 Fibromyalgia solutions and adding tons of ‘linkage’…. I was so happy that your site popped up during my magnesium deficiency search so I didn’t have to look forever for good info. 🙂 Thanks yo.
Thanks for sharing Rachael!
Gloria Hughes
I notice in 1 article that magnesium stearate should be avoided, I am taking 242mg daily of magnesium stearate
and 100 mcg Vitamin K2 with magnesium stearate.Am I taking the wrong supplements….because I do get very nervous and anxious at night. and I am having trouble sleeping .. I feel I’m not getting the proper results.
Here’s a great article on it you may find helpful:
Are all Epsom salts equal – no name, costco brand or health food stores brands?
That’s a great question! I’ve been wondering the same thing. I started looking into it and can’t find much information on it. I’ve just been using one that I buy at the food store, not a fancy brand.
I have a question, I suffer from multiple symptoms that you had listed and had started taking a Magnesium supplement almost a year ago. I feel like it has improved my sleeping and definitely helped with the muscle spasms and headaches. However, I have noticed that it gives me very very vivid dreams. Is this my imagination? As it doesn’t always do it, but if I stop taking it for a few days and start taking it again, my dreams come back and now lately the last week or so I have been having night terrors that are very disturbing. I have always had issues being an “active sleeper” before but the night terrors haven’t been back for years and I realized I had stopped taking Magnesium for about a week and started back up again. Is there a correlation between the magnesium and my vivid dreams?
There may be. I think someone commented above with the same experience, having vivid dreams from it. It’s interesting because having vivid dreams is also a sign of magnesium deficiency on a lot of informational sites too.
I have been having irregular heartbeat for the last month. I went to the dr and all my bloodwork was good. They didn’t check my magnesium. I started taking calm the last few days. A friend of mine that is a ICU ER nurse said that taking too much magnesium could make my heart stop. So that scared me and I wasn’t sure what I should do?
I would speak to your doctor or a naturopath if possible.
Rachel R.
I also wonder if they’re concerned about levels of other nutrients, like potassium, being thrown (further?) off-balance if you start supplementing. So I would ask specifically WHY they’re concerned about that as a possible problem, when you talk to your health care provider.
Hi Lori,
My elderly mom has trouble sleeping. She is on a lot of medication. Would it be safe for her to take magnesium?
Everyone in my family has seen a great improvement in their sleep from doing foot baths with the magnesium. You should check with your doctor first though. 🙂
I few months back I decided to take a magnesium vitamin 10 mg a day and all it did was constipate me, so I stopped taking it. My mom says it shouldn’t do that. Why does it loosen everyone else up , but block me up. Do I have the right amount already?
Hmm..interesting. Yes, my naturopathic doctor told me that the only thing he uses to treat constipation is magnesium. Are there other added vitamins in with the magnesium? I would try the magnesium flakes. Just about every time I put my feet in a foot bath with the magnesium flakes..I have to go works quick!
Is Magnesium helpful for Fibromyalgia symptoms and arthritis pain?
Many have seen improvements in symptoms with using Epsom salts or magnesium flakes. A family member adds Epsom salts and apple cider vinegar to baths and her pain has dramatically decreased.
Kyah Vaughn
How long did it take before you noticed a difference? I have been dealing with anxiety a lot this pregnancy, and even tho I have an extremely healthy diet, and have to eat very carefully due to gestational diabetes, this third trimester has really been hard. I find myself constantly worrying about since I’ve also had low platelets, extreme fatigue and anemia. We’re planning a birth with our midwives at a birth center, (my last 3 babies were home water births) and so the stress of that maybe not being a possibility has been a big stress. I bought some Natural Calm, but then I read that magnesium can cause issues with platelets…so that stressed me out even more…so I can’t tell if my run to the bathroom has been because of anxiety or too much magnesium. I have a lot of the symptoms, but of course, those could be due to my low platelets as well. I find I’m causing myself more anxiety by the thought of even taking the natural calm. This pregnancy hasn’t been fun and I’m looking for anything to make it better. I’m not exactly sure how I’ll know when/if there’s gong to be a difference. Anxiety can cause many of the same issues like sleep disturbances, exhaustion, muscle fatigue. So I don’t know whether I should keep taking it. I was up to three 1/2 tsp servings. I took 1/2 tsp in the morning, 1/2 tsp in the afternoon and 1/2 tsp in the evening. I woke up today with my body just feeling really heavy, like it was weighed down. Since you also know about anxiety, I thought I would ask about this. Thanks! 🙂
Thank you Lori! I just noticed your comment now! I got some Doctor’s Best chelated magnesium as well. I used to be able to take quite a lot, then the other day I noticed, after taking twice the “recommended” dosage, I had the runs. So I’m thinking I had probably balanced my mag in my body pretty well. I now only take two pills a day and have no tummy issues. Oh, and we had our gorgeous baby boy on November 7th at our midwife’s birth center. He was born into the water after only two hours total labor. 🙂
Congratulations! Such a wonderful time 🙂
Thanks Lori 🙂
if Epsom salts are high in magnesium can you make a magnesium oil with that or is there a specific reason for using the flakes?
You can use either. They both help increase magnesium and have a high absorption rate transdermally. 🙂
What do you think about Milk of Magnesia? I suffer from chronic constipation and have been told magnesium is a key supplement to help solve this problem. I’ve been looking into taking small doses of Milk of Magnesia diluted into hot water every night before going to bed – any thoughts?
You could use milk of magnesia. I prefer to use magnesium oil or Epsom salts because the absorption rate has been found to be higher transdermally.
Jill C
When I tried to start magnesium oil, it gave me lots of vivid dreams and bad nightmares. I had to stop using it. Do you know if this means anything, or if there is anything I can do to stop it?
I have heard of it causing vivid dreams for others as well. Do you use magnesium oil at night or in the morning?
Please help 🙂
My blood tests came back as low magnesium and a zinc deficiency . I was taking magnesium supplements at night because they make me so tired during the day but taking at night gives me horrible nightmares , night sweats and wake frequently . Thanks
What type of magnesium supplement are you using? Have you tried Epsom salts or magnesium flakes? I always come up as zinc deficient too..I started eating more pumpkin seeds which are high in zinc. But haven’t had my blood retested yet to see if it is making a difference.
Lori or others
My husband has recently finished a three month course of chemo for testicular cancer and about 5 weeks after started getting really bad pins and needles in feet and hands. Seeing that magnesium helps with cramping etc do you think it may help with the pins and needles?? Thanks
Hi Belinda,
My brother recovered from testicular cancer (I think he did the three month course of chemo as well). He also gets pins and needles in arms and legs…. what helped him is activated forms of B vitamins. The first month to 6 weeks he megadosed on them (took triple what was recommended on the label) and then now he just takes regular dose. It is inexpensive. I told him about the Pure Encapsulations formulas. (I am not affiliated with them at all). Folate 400 and then the B Complex they offer. And then maybe the B-12 complex. You can just do activated forms of B vitamins from any company, but make sure the B-12 is METHYLcobalamin instead of cyanocobalamin.
Then active form of B-6 and B-9 are important. B-9 is folate.
Good luck. It should cost no more than $20/ month the first month, and about $10/month in supplements the next months. It is not an expensive treatment at all. I get mine on
Magnesium may help, but it has been known to help more with muscular issues, and it sounds like nervous system issues to me. Good luck 🙂
When my mother went through she also got symptoms of B12 deficiency. Of course she never got any B12 injections, but I know they would have relieved her pain and helped her cope. Tingling is one of the signs of B12 deficiency. I think chemo caused my Mom’s B12 def. Maybe that is another avenue you can investigate for your husband. There are FB groups where this is discussed and there is a ton of resources there.
Hi there,
Great post! I suffered from some pretty severe muscle cramping in my feet and calf muscles for quite some time. My doctor said it was plantar fasciitis, but being a runner, I knew it wasn’t that. After researching a bit I decided to try the magnesium deficiency angle and began “supplementing” my magnesium using epsom salts.
Every morning when I take a shower I clog the tub drain and toss in a scoop of epsom salts. I’ve been doing this for almost a year now and haven’t had a single cramp in my legs or feet since! Pretty strong evidence it was a magnesium deficiency!
Thanks for sharing this!
Lori, Health Extremist
Hi Paul! I’m so glad that the Epsom salts helped! I use them everyday now too.
Hi Lori, Have any of you heard of the Moringa plant? It provides 92 nutrients, including plenty of MAGNESIUM, but also 14 other minerals, every vitamin from A-K, omegas 3,6&9, 18 amino acids, chlorophyll. carotenoids, Lutein and more. It has 36 anti-inflammatories and 46 anti-oxidants.
My family has been drinking the Zija smartmix (ORGANIC Moringa leaf, flower and seed), every day for the past 2 years. No need for other supplements, just add a healthy diet. Take a look at If you want to know more, you can reach me at [email protected] Lyn x
I luv the moringa powder, I think it has sulphur in it, unfortunately, I’m all ergic to
sulphur. are they any other forms of moringa with no sulphur??
WOW! GREAT idea PaulL! This is a PERFECT *can-do soak* for everyone. How much Epsom salt do you use in the shower (I know you say a scoop, but approx. how much is your scoop?) and how long do you soak your feet in it – 10 minutes, 20 minutes?
Thanks for your WONDERFUL idea, I just LOVE it! 🙂
Natural Calm really changed my life. I was having terrible foot cramps and then the anxiety. I can’t say how much this has helped! The great thing about the Natural Calm is that it isn’t a pill so you can titrate your dose to where it works for you (read: no diarrhea). It comes in flavors but I just make a “shot” of it and take it in a gulp and then follow with lots of water. If you are taking prescription Vitamin D this is a must.
Lori, Health Extremist
Thanks for sharing, glad to hear it has helped!
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The body needs 90 Essential Nutrients daily.
Great article! I wanted to ask if using the Epsom salts in a foot bath could that in anyway cause dirreah as well or is that only from ingestion?
Thank you!
In my experience it’s hard to go overboard on the Epsom Salts – it seems the issues come more from ingestion.
Lori, Health Extremist
Hi Kelli, it can still cause loose bowels when used in a foot bath, if you’re getting too much magnesium. This happened to my mother a few weeks ago and she had to decrease the amount (she was taking an oral supplement and using Epsom salts).
My SIL and I bought mag oil and used it on our feet in the am. Four days later and neither of us had slept a wink the whole four days. Apparently the oil causes insomnia in some people. I am confidant I am deficient. What’s the deal with the insomnia tho? How much and what kind of oral supp would be a good alternative?
Lori, Health Extremist
That’s the first time I’ve heard of it causing insomnia. I started mine more gradually, so maybe that helped. I take an oral supplement called tri-mag which contains all three types of magnesium.
I also get severe insomnia from magnesium. Although it does wonders for my muscles and my mood, I can’t sleep for DAYS… Not even a minute! What are we supposed to do?
Have you found an answer to the magnesium induced insomnia? I started taking 200mg of a mag chelate supplement for headaches. It’s helping with that, but now I’m having extremely vivid dreams that wake me up a couple hrs after falling asleep and I’m up for the rest of the night. It was easy to attribute this change in my sleep pattern as nothing else is different in my life and the change in sleep is extreme.
Question… I just started being more consistent with doing the magnesium oil on my body. I also have been taking OxyFlush every night for years, about 300% of the US RDA for magnesium in it… if I took more it would affect my bowel movements… but… I have had Natural Calm in my cupboard for a long time and figured I should start taking it. The first night I did tablespoons vs teaspoons (I don’t read well apparently) and oh boy did I notice it around 3am when I had to run to the bathroom.
I also felt heart palpitations that night, but I did sleep better than I normally do.
My question? Can you get too much magnesium and have it affect you in negative ways (besides the obvious running to the bathroom for the “butt pee” that happens).
I have a lot of the symptoms listed above, and of course now I am wondering if taking the Natural Calm might help. I would love to take baths but I don’t have a bathtub (not many people have bathtubs here in Panama where I live).
Lori, Health Extremist
My naturopath always tells me that the first sign of too much magnesium is loose bowels. I have read that when prolonged, it can cause symptoms similar to the deficiency. This article has some more information:
Is Epsom salts the same as magnesium flakes? Here in India we don’t get magnesium flakes,
Lori, Health Extremist
They are very similar and can be used for the same purpose; however, Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate, and magnesium flakes are magnesium chloride.
hi Lori, and what is the difference between Mg sulfate and chloride? Which one would you recommend if you had to choose?
Lori, Health Extremist
Hi Vera, the difference is between Epsom salt and Magnesium Flakes. They both aid in increasing your magnesium through the skin. Some believe that magnesium flakes are more effective, but I’ve seen benefits from using both. The only downside to the magnesium flakes are that it may be harder to find locally and can be more expensive than Epsom salts.
I recently started taking Magnesium because sometimes at night when I’m sleeping, my leg will just shoot out straight, in a spasm, with toes pointed straight out It is horrible!. I think it is working, because for about two weeks now, I have forgotten to take it and I’m feeling a tightening in my calves. Also is Vit. D, Calcium? And I have just D, but recently I’ve heard u should take Vit. D-3, is this true and what’s the difference?
Lori, Health Extremist
Hi Karen, vitamin D and calcium are separate. I take vitamin D-3 during the winter because I’m not able to get much vitamin D from the sun. You may find this article helpful:
You need vitamin D-3 to help absorb calcium.
I read somewhere that molasses is also a good source for magnesium. Do you agree?
Lori, Health Extremist
It can be a good source of magnesium. This article describes it in more detail:
Great information about magnesium…you mentioned you corrected your ratio of calcium to magnesium in the article, but didn’t say how to determine the balance ratio between magnesium, calcium and potassium? How do you determine it?
Thank you!
I’d say the best way to determine your dose of Ca/Mg is trial and error, since no one dose fits all, IMHO. Some need 2 to 1, some 1 to 1, some 1 to 2.
My health coach says men should not even take Ca, just Mg.
Hi Lori, All too often we are told what we need to take and maybe how much to take but the readers are sometimes still left wondering if they should be taken with other vitamins and minerals, which brands are best, etc. Would it be possible to tell us what you consider to be the best *type* of calcium and magnesium? I’m not sure if there are several types of calcium, but there are many types of magnesium like malate, citrate, etc. What brands would you consider to be the best ones for both? What do you take?
Also, when is the best time to take them – time of day and with or without food?
Last question, do we need to take vitamin D with both of these too? I wish there was a simple chart that shows all the vitamins & minerals, the best brands out there (so we get the best absorption and no extra bad ingredients), what we need to take with them ( ie, calcium & magnesium together) and when is the optimum time to take them. If there is such a chart I have yet to find one.
I would appreciate any help to my questions.
Thanks Lori 🙂
I take a supplement called “Tri-Mag”, it contains 3 types of magnesium, 2 times a day. I also use Epsom salts and magnesium flakes to get magnesium too. I’m not currently taking calcium, so I’m not sure which brand would be best. I’ve been trying to get mine from food sources recently. I do take a vitamin D supplement..It’s by Solgar and 400IU, the recommended daily dose. I take them all with food to help absorption with breakfast or lunch. Hope this helps!
Can you recommend a good pill form of magnesium and the dosage?
I’d try to take 1000-1200 mg of Magnesium malate or citrate. If that much loosens your bowels too much, back off it a bit.
I use Magnesium Malate Chelate from Designs For Health and I’ve had success with it. It’s less harsh on my GI tract than Magnesium Citrate was and the malate is good for muscle pain.
Glad to hear it has helped!
your website is absolutely wonderful and you are a beautiful example of how beauty starts on the inside. I saw your website today and bought your ebook same day. I absolutely love it! thank you so much. I have been wanting to create my own recipes but didn’t know how, the price I paid for the ebook is in my opinion a great deal. Keep up the great work!
Lori, Health Extremist
Thank you so much Mary! You made my day! I hope you enjoy the recipes 🙂
Hi, I had a question about magnesium oil. This seems like the best way for me to increase my magnesium intake since I find swallowing pills very difficult, but what I’m wondering is how do I know how much to apply, and do you simply spray it on everywhere or do you only apply it to certain areas, and do you have to rub it in or can you just spray and let it sit? Thanks 🙂
I’d rub it in. It absorbs best into the feet, they say.
I take Mg oil internally. I seem to absorb it well — about 60 drops per day, which is enough to give some people a bad case of “the runs”.
Joe, where do you get Mag oil that you can take internally? I buy it by the gallon and use it on my feet, legs, back and tummy but it says not to take it internally. I would be interested in knowing about yours.
I get Ancient Minerals Mg Flakes. I called them and she told me their Mg oil is more purified than their flakes but she didn’t tell me not to take the flakes internally. I’ve seen the recipes for making Mg oil online in many places. You just use distilled or RO boiling water to equal parts of Mg Flakes.
I’d make sure it’s Mercury and Lead free, as most seem to be.
Joe, I have a 12 year old with most of these symptoms… what and how much should I give her ? She is a very picky eater, and doesnt eat alot of veggies. .. she takes a flinstone vitamin daily. .. we were thinking that this could be a thyroid problem because it has pretty much the same symptoms. ..Please help me out here, I would rather it be a magnesium def. Instead of the thyroid…
Diane Kirschner
Any suggestions
Diane Kirschner
Mu comment id about my 11 year old daughter
If your daughter has a gene mutation known as mthfr taking a vitamin supplement that has folic acid is not recommended. A gene test by gene 23 and me can identify if gene mutation exists.
Download raw data from test to genetic genie to help with identifying genetic info.
I know the question was about magnesium for answers join a Facebook group magnesium and learn from reading the posts or ask questions as well. There are also great thyroid groups on Facebook. Best of luck!!
After watching Dr Oz report on gene tests , like 23 and Me , you have to be very careful to check the privacy box on release form. They gather and sell your gene information. Plus , Your private information is now
Their information, Not good in today’s world.
Dee Kesley
23 and me stopped me from making a huge privacy mistake that my cousin made while on Ancestry! They protected me from inappropriate sharing of my data when i did not know better. Also it is better to know your health risk. But the most important thing is I am not sure they check for MTHFR currently! I have not seen it on my report at all. Just FYI
Ashley Zeleznik
Go to the doctor and have them do a test to see if she is deficient in any vitamins. You don’t want to guess and give her a surplus of a certain vitamin if she doesn’t need it. Its a simple urine test, I think.
Lori, Health Extremist
I spray it on my stomach, back, legs, and arms. I usually apply it 2 times a day. Unfortunately, there is no good way to test for levels of magnesium in your body (the blood tests have been found to be very inaccurate), so many have to base it off of improvement of symptoms.
Have you ever read Magnesium Miracle.. it talked about Pic magnesium and how you can buy the test to check your levels at home.
I haven’t read it yet, I’ll have to check it out.
Lori, I made this last night. Thank you for this post! It dries quickly and was so scratchy and uncomfortable.
I think I’ll add fractionated coconut oil to make it a smoother application. I also added doterra’s lavender and serenity essential oils for the calming effect they have and wonderful scent.
Rachel R.
If you buy a magnesium LOTION, you can apply it to the skin and it doesn’t end up with that “post-beach, sand-stuck-everywhere feel) because it’s silkier.
Late response, but the itching is normal if you’re deficient. That’s your magnesium-starved body sucking it all in! 🙂 In fact, one of the indicators that you’re no longer deficient is that you no longer itch after applying–full up!
Is that the same when taking magnesium orally? Itching and tingling feeling go away when not deficient anymore?
Dee Kesley
Watch your intake of anything tomato if you are having the deep tissue style of itching that scratching don’t help . Ketchup, Barb-b=que and Pizza sauce too, among others. My doctor proved that to me.
I hope someone is still following this post. Hi, I’m really trying to figure out what I’m deficient of exactly. It all started back in May 2018 when I had a mommy makeover as soon as I was out of surgery and back home I started freaking out!!!! I was having severe anxiety attacks multiple times a day. After being prescribed valum and Xanax And not getting relief from either one I realized that was not my problem and started taking vitamins. That didn’t help. I found a thread about magnesium and tried it and it worked like magic! I was having facial twitches and weird stuff happening and it all went away!! I just started working again about a month ago and I haven’t been eating very much mostly just at night because I am so busy during the day. I started taking magnesium again and this time it’s not helping as much…. seems like my anxiety is getting worse. I’ve been eating more. Im not sure what to do… I need advise. Im still having leg cramps, facial twitches and stress and anxiety…
I believe it says 1 tsp to start, not 1 Tablespoon… That was my mistake the first time…
The hot water doesn’t destroy the nutrients in the magnesium?
Also, I had been using a cream, which seemed to stop rubbing into my arm. My fibro Dr. told me you build up a tolerance to it, and need to rub it into your body in different places.
I use Natural Calm every night. It really helps and there are several flavors available. I prefer the sweet lemon.
I take this orally daily. Standard Process is the whole food supplement my Chiro carries. It has greatly reduced bone/joint pain and also monthly cramps and that big hormonal headache that came once a month!
Dee Kesley
Natural Calm almost killed me. Read section of this artical that deals with balance between crucial Calcium and Mag
My dr recommended calm, I have had great success , I started with small doses in a bottle of water . I love the raspberry lemon flavor, I drink it through out my day, I have no more cramping in my legs, feet, and hands. No more migraines, I feel so much better!